Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We Have Our Blogfan Challenge Winner!

Congratulations to Kelly H. from North Carolina!

She figured out the clues and won a year's subscription of Better Homes and Gardens magazine.

For those of you who are curious, the clues led to another blog at

When highlighted and deciphered, the answer to the last clue was of "traffic lights."

So congratulations again to Kelly! And for those of you who were only visiting the blogs for a chance at the prize, I'm sorry that you'll have to settle for just regular blog posts now.

Again, sorry that I haven't been blogging lately, but my first little baby girl was born this past Monday, 10/19, at 1:25 in the afternoon, so I've been a bit busy.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to you all on the birth of your little girl!! I'm guessing that the whole new daddy thing is going to give you plenty to blog about in the coming weeks!
