This Press Release is to formally announce the 1st studio album of kids heavy metal band Kolikk! Kolikk have been playing the underground kids heavy metal circuit in Europe for years and are now bringing their signature sounds to the U.S. for the first time. Their debut album, Diaper Razsh, has already climbed to number 8 on the Billboard charts and shows no signs of stopping.
"Diaper Razsh is a masterpiece" says Rolf Dungerdorf of Blender magazine. "It's sure to please both head bangers and toddlers alike." Paul Glamordi of Rolling Stone calls Diaper Razsh "a cross between Dr. Seuss and Metallica with a little insanity sprinkled on top."
Kolikk is comprised of: 7 year old Brutus Hammerstein (lead vocals, guitar), 9 year old Markus Ramfeld (bass guitar, backing vocals), 7 year old Franz Ramfeld (drums, backing vocals), and the multi-talented 6 year old Boris Van Jamus (lead guitar, kazoo, tuba, accordion, the spoons, banjo).
Tracks off of Diaper Razsh include:
1. “One, Two the Cow Says Moo!”
2. “Seven Swords of Death”
3. “Tiny Little Kitty Up in a Tree”
4. “Midnight Sacrifice”
5. “Happy Hippos (the Counting Song)”
6. “Whiskey, Weapons, and Women”
7. “Charlie the Chicken and the Barnyard Boogie”
8. “River of Blood”
9. “The Moon, Mommy, and Me!”
10. “Bride of the Apocalypse”
11. “Splashy Splashy in my Bathy”
12. “Dark Harvest of Souls”
We Moved!!!
13 years ago
I think you and me need to get together and record these songs. I'll provide the lead guitar and vocals. You provide rhythm guitar and bass. We'll try to figure out the drums later