Sunday, July 5, 2009

Enough is Enough

You know the saying "Enough is enough"? Kind of redundant isn't it? I mean, its kind of like saying "Water is wet" or "Trees are trees". I don't know who came up with the saying "Enough is enough", but that guy should go to prison and jail. Yeah, that'll show him.


  1. Yeah, that really grinds my gears too. People are people. Boys will be boys. Donruss.

    Simply bad. And wrong. Bad wrong. Bad-ong!

  2. didn't a kid we know say: "we're not people, we're kids"... so profound at such a young age!

  3. All of these wonderful combinant words were meticulously researched and studied by a group of language linquists, employed by the Government at the Department of Redundancy Dept.

  4. The guy that said "enough is enough" was talking about the economy right? Maybe he's just "sick and tired of being sick and tired". It's got to be "six or a half dozen ways or the other".
